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   State Seal Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board RISLRB







Certifications and Dispositions

Certifications of Representatives/
Unit Clarification Disposition of Positions

The Board's jurisdiction is outlined in 465-RICR-10-00-1.1(C)(1) of the Board's Rules and Regulations, which states:

"State law does not expressly limit the Board's jurisdiction over employers; however, the Board's jurisdiction is preempted as to certain employers, by Federal law. As a practical matter, for many years, the Board's cases have been limited to Municipal, State, quasi-Municipal and quasi-State (various "authorities") employers."

Disposition of Positions exist when a Petition for a Unit Clarification and/or Accretion/Exclusion, a Transfer of Bargaining Units and/or Portions Thereof Within the Same Labor Organization, a Transfer of Bargaining Unit(s) between National Organizations; Change of Jurisdiction, or a Consent Agreement and Affidavit request has been filed with the Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board to clarify, include, or exclude positions since the original bargaining unit was established and certified. Each link will allow you to access a listing of all positions and the dates the positions were clarified, included or excluded for the bargaining unit established under that certification number. This is not a listing of original bargaining units established and certified by the Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board. Please refer to the Certifications of Representatives to view the origianl certification issued in each matter.


The Board has organized its Certifications of Representatives/Dispositions into the following categories:

> Firefighters

> Municipal Employees

> Police Officers

> State and Quasi-State Employees

> Certified Teachers

> Miscellaneous Certifications

The Rhode Island State Labor Relations Board is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay: 711 2/21/22